Submission Guidelines

conference123 calls for original and unpublished papers in the fields related to Education, Economics, Management, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Humanities and Social Sciences, Psychology, Electronic and Electrical Engineering, Communication Engineering, Computer Science, Mathematics, Information Sciences, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Medical Sciences, Food Science, Agricultural Science, Civil Engineering, Energy and Environment Sciences, etc.

Both Full Paper and Abstract are welcomed.

Papers submitted to the conference should be written in English and papers will be reviewed by committees of the conference.

After the abstract/full paper is accepted and the payment is finished, the author can make an oral/poster presentation at the conference, or attend the conference as an audience.

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Download Template

If you are interested in contributing, please download Manuscript Template:

English Template Chinese Template Abstract Templates

1. Quick Submission
Conference Date: *

Selected Conference: *

Click here to select a conference for your manuscript.

Paper Title: *

Manuscript Type: *

Intended Participation Way: *

Intended Participation Way: *

Selected Journal: *

Select a journal you would like to publish your paper in, click here

Upload Manuscript: *

1. Allow only .doc, .docx format.
2. Files should not exceed 20MB.

First Name: *

Last Name: *

Email Address: *

2. Email Submission

You can also send your manuscript directly to this email for submission.

* Please type the conference name and your participation way as the subject of your email.

3. Online Submission

You can also submit your manuscript through the Online Submission System:

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